Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Hi All!

Such a busy week and I had a little hiccup yesterday with an upset tummy. Don't need to go there this week. I got too much to do.

See that bug in that stomach?
Imagine about 100 more bugs and
you'll know how my tummy felt

I'm feeling some better this am and I'm going to continue campaigning. Can't let this dude prevail and get hold of our county. I got to thinking last evening, now this is me talking to myself. "What good are you possibly doing?"  "Yeah, but if I don't try, then I won't know."

I prayed really hard last night for God to touch my unruly stomach and remove those nasty bugs.

This is them in color. Not friendly looking are they?????

After about a gallon of the pink stuff I finally fell asleep, then I gingerly opened my eyes this morning. I still felt the wrigglies in there, but not as bad as yesterday.

I think this is what my stomach looks like this morning.

It's a plane, it's a fairy, no it's a dream!
Not really!

Here I am. A little pale, but still trying to save the day??

Until Later,
Okie Girl @ Home

1 comment:

  1. Hope your feeling better soon. You got to get out there and campaign for Sheriff Sooter!!!
