Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day 2012

Good 4th of July to all,

I take very seriously our freedoms and they are slipping away one by one. We have been conditioned to accept the government butting into our businesses, personal lives, etc; Now they are controlling many many aspects of our lives. Our ancestors fought hard for our freedom from the British and now we lay down and give control of our lives to a small group of people that want to dictate life, living and death to all.

Symbol of Freedom
Lady Liberty

I think of my Dad on this day because he is or was one of many millions of men and women that sacrificed for the sake of freedom, not just our country, but all over the world. He was a Prisoner of War for 42 months. Held in captivity by the Japanese, he was starved and tortured and used as slave labor. 

How have we as a nation become so lazy and accepting of the infringement on our liberties? Yes, we still have liberties, but stop and think about the ones we've lost.

We have to press "1" to hear a message in English, in our English speaking country.
We have to pay sales tax, income tax, property tax, tax to drive, tax to buy and sell.
We pay tax to die. How ridiculous is that?
We have been taxed to death so a bunch of blood sucking politicians can sit back and
spend our hard-earned dollars on special projects.
Now, unless this health care bill is struck down, we're going to pay a tax because we don't buy health insurance?

Where are all the patriots that descended from the American settlers? What about the Boston Tea Party? That was a revolt against unfair taxation then, so what about our revolt? We need to take hold of our boot straps and say to the government. Enough is enough!

Stand beside her and guide her!

I'm really tired and fed up! One person can't make a difference, but a nation of people that want our country back to the way it used to be can make a difference. We have become lazy and indifferent.

Happy Independence Day?

Let's give this country back to God and let Him lead us instead of the boobs in charge now.

And the rockets red glare

As we munch on a nice cold piece of watermelon, or fill our
tummies with a juicy burger, let's not forget what we're
celebrating. Our freedom! Do we still have it?

Remember all of our troops in harms way today and everyday and as always...................

Until Later,
Okie Girl @ Home

1 comment:

  1. I for one will stand beside you and any one else that will get up and stand up and tell those blood sucking politicians how it is. That they are worthless when it comes to running this country right. How are people suppose to afford this healthcare? Especially the poor who are not on medicaid!! Let's get em!!
