Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Remember to be Kind

Oh my, oh my, I'm getting so lazy! Seems like the days are flying by and it's only 13 DAYS until Christmas! I've got to get started with the baking and candy making next week or I won't be able to finish.

Baking always puts me in the mood for Christmas.


Are you hungry yet??

Hark, I smell the scent of chocolate,
La, la, la, la

I read a "Letter to the Editor" today in the Vinita paper. This man was blistering mad at the city of Vinita. Can't say I blame him. His elderly mother's water had been shut off because the bill was past due. He admitted it was his fault because he missed the bill, but what really set him off was the city charged  $50 for turning it off, then $50 for turning it back on.  I know there are people that are moving and escaping payment on their bills, but surely if a customer has had good payment history, an effort should be made to notify them personally. He said he spoke to several people, but nothing was resolved. It's not like we're a huge city. Our population is only about 6,000 people and I think I remember we only have 2600 water meters in the city. I'm thinking people deserve some cooperation and kindness, not hard nosed attitudes.

I've heard it preached that we should portray a friendly attitude as a city, but this isn't very friendly. The man even said the city wanted him to bring the money to the clerk's office. He works a hundred miles away, so he finally talked them into taking his credit card.


Joy to the World?
 Do I hear a sour note from some scrooges?

I think I'll try to sing myself into the mood, sooooooo

Until Later,
Okie Girl @ Home

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