Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Hey Gang,

I refuse to get the flu, darn it! I had a flu shot! I'm feeling off color today, can ya tell? Last evening was worse. My tummy sloshed around, my head ached and..................... I didn't expect to sleep at all, but I did.

This morning is better, except for the aching head, so I took some temporary cure.

I'm trying the soup, broth, clear liquid regime, so maybe, just maybe it will pass quickly.

Oh! Wrong stomach!  Thank God!!!!!!!

This is more appropriate, don't you think?

My eyes aren't black hollows though.

Soup! Does a body good don't it?

I'm learning to be grateful for small things. The sun is shining. It's supposed to be 40 degrees today. There's no snow on the ground. Let me see,    what else?

Oh, I'm sitting upright and eating a bowl of ramen noodles, so the world is coming right again.

The dog is pacing, dying to have a noodle. I'm being strong, not caving in this time. I wonder if dogs can get sick from humans? Not sick of humans, I know that's possible.

I don't think I've mentioned that the city got the new fire truck, paid for with FEMA dollars, well most of it that is. Oh yeah, and I want to mention they drive it around like a new car that's been bought especially for their use.(the firemen)

This irks me really bad, but apparently the city council and mayor didn't change anything in the new contract that was negotiated cause they're still driving it around town all day and all evening. Very seldom do I go to town that I don't see it, and it's not on emergency runs either. What a waste of money and equipment.

Oh well, I'm going to go do some more convalescing now, so I'll see you next time.

Until Later,
Okie Girl @ Home

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