Monday, June 10, 2013

Little Doggies Lost Their Jewels

Hey Everyone!

The last month has been very long and arduous. We shall survive because God is good and He is the answer to all things.

I noticed the weather forecast for our region this week is mid-90's all week. Ugh!! I could love 70 to 75 degrees all year long. I guess I'll take what I get since I'm not moving to an ideal climate.

Now, for other matters, I lost all my data and photos when my processor went Ka-Thud! They wanted 90 bucks to retrieve all of it and I was of the mind that it wasn't that important, soooo I'm beginning at scratch again. Seems like every 2 years I have a computer that goes down. Is it something I'm doing? I don't think so. I do maintenance and keep it clean, so who knows??????

Poor thing. They'll fix it or replace it.
Who knows?

Have I learned another lesson? Yes! Periodically take a flash drive and transfer documents and pictures over to a safe external home. Will I be faithful to do it? Let's wait and see.

This is a testicle from a bull
It is called:
Mountain Oyster
or Calf Fry
Prepared correctly they are delicious
I don't suggest frying one whole.

I used to freeze mine, well, the ones I prepared that is, and I sliced them frozen into narrow wedges, then cooked them. Preferred method is coating them with a flour batter, season with salt and pepper, or whatever seasoning you prefer, then skillet fry or deep fry.

Wah ! Lah !


These are quite large. I've seen larger and I've seen smaller.

I prefer the smaller ones, from calves. They don't
taste as strong and they're more tender, although
none are really tough.

Finished product. You can use dipping sauces or just
make some good ole cream gravy.

Mmmmm,   Mmmmmm!

Why the lesson on Calf Fries you ask? This past weekend was the "World's Largest Calf Fry" at the fairgrounds in Vinita, OK.  We went out and looked around and visited and listened to a good band.
Reverse Reaction was the name of the band and they were pretty good.

So until next time, I wish you all joy and safe keeping.

Until Later,
Okie Girl @ Home

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