Monday, December 24, 2012

Our Dear Savior's Birth

I know, it's been a while since I posted. I've been soooo very busy. I'm sitting at the computer having a quiet moment and I thought I would share my thoughts.

First it's Christmas eve. Just think about Mary and Joseph, they were heading to Bethlehem so the Christ child could be born. A child that would be a Savior of the world! His mother was riding a donkey and his earthly father was walking, mile after mile. Can you imagine how uncomfortable Mary must have been on that journey?

But more than that, she was chosen to give  birth to the Son, but then would have to find the strength thirty-three years later to watch him be sacrificed for every one's sin. For those of you that are mothers, just imagine how you would feel if they whipped your child, forced him to carry his own cross for crucifixion, then beat him, nailed his feet and hands with spikes to the wooden cross. He had to hang there for hours and when he asked for water, they gave him gall (vinegar). They pierced His side and still He lived, until it was time.

This is what Christmas is, not about giving gifts, although the three wise men did bring gifts to baby Jesus. A star lead them across the desert to where the new baby lay, in a simple manger, in with the stock because there was no room in the inn. A humble beginning for a mighty Savior of men.

Baby Jesus and Visit by Shepherds

He belongs to us all 

My prayer this year is a thank you to God for giving us His Son.

Merry Christmas to all and our Lord's blessing upon everyone.

Until Later,
Okie Girl @ Home

1 comment:

  1. You write so everyone knows exactly what you mean. I love reading your Blog..But tonight it's the most special one so far. We all know that Jesus Is The Reason for the Season, just everyone would accept it and quit thinking about giving all the gifts.
