Monday, February 20, 2012

My Proud Okie Heritage

Hi and good Monday to all,

I have not a thang of importance on my mind today. I love Oklahoma slang. You can even spell Okie talk and I am an Okie, through and through.

I was raised on country food and wives tales. A christian woman once told me that if you believe in God, then you shouldn't believe in the wives tales. I love God, but I still like the old sayins I was brought up on.

For instance, if your ear itches that means somebody is talkin about you, so pinch your ear and they'll bite their tongue. I'm really fond of this one.

If your nose itches, somebody's comin to visit. I've had plenty of itchy noses over the years and never did I have company on those occasions.

Step on a crack and break your mother's back. Nope, that one ain't so either.

Don't walk under a ladder, it's bad luck.

Don't start doin something on Saturday if you can't finish it, cause it's bad luck. Seems to be a good excuse to not do nothin in my opinion. I believe I just used a double negative, oh well, that's the Okie in me.

Of course, everybody's heard the one about breaking a mirror and having 7 years bad luck.

Oh and I almost forgot these. If a bird gets in the house, it's a sign of death. Nobody died a few months ago when a bird flew in the front door.

If a picture falls off the wall or falls over on its face, that's a sign of death too. I try to set something in front of me, so I won't fall forward.

If you dream of a death, you'll hear of a birth. Likewise, if you dream of the dead, you're gonna hear from the living.

You can't take these things seriously or you would never leave your house, or sleep or hang a picture on the wall, or use a mirror.

I do believe in preserving all this silly knowledge for our children and grandchildren so they can quote it to the generations that will follow.

It's part of my heritage, such as it is, but I'm glad I was raised simply and with good morals, even if it included the old wives tales.

Until Later,
Okie Girl @ Home

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