Monday, July 23, 2012

Progress means Down with the Old.


Sorry it's been so long, but it's been soooooo hot, just haven't been out and about.

I waited until the sun went down and strolled over to the Hall-Halsell school site. They are taking it down quickly. Here's some pictures. By stroll, I certainly didn't mean I walked, in this heatwave. I like to be clear on issues.

This is the front of the old part of the building. This is the only picture
that didn't blur. Bah humbug!

I know, I know! It's blurry! This is the east end on the south side.
Make sense?

This is the west end. They haven't finished the demolition yet. Yeah,
it's blurry too. We'll blame it on the heat. I really think I zoomed in just a
tad too much. Oh well.

I've never had a reputation for taking good pictures. Luckily they don't
have heads, or I would have decapitated them.

The cafeteria. I don't think it's going to be demolished. Unsure though????

We're looking at the backside of Hall-Halsell, you can see the
blue portable buildings they've brought in for classrooms for the
coming year.

Another blurry one. This is more portable classrooms.

I'm not exactly sure when the project will be completed, but I'll take pictures
as they progress. I'll attempt to get clear ones next time.

I guess there had been requests for a commemorative brick, but they put an announcement in the newspaper that they couldn't let anyone have a brick because of asbestos issues, sooooo, no one got a brick.

Tool man was getting gas and I was bored, so I took another
picture that blurred. This is the car wash across from Shout & Sack.

I was looking north up Wilson street sitting at the gas pumps.
Sunday evening night life in Vinita. Wowee!!!!!

This is the newest steak house and restaurant in Vinita.
Guess where it is?

Does anyone remember Trails Inn???

Yep, that's where it's at.

Believe it or not! This was Sunday night and there were several
customers at the new restaurant. Of course there has not been a place
to eat on Sunday evening in Vinita for years, well that is except the
fast food places.

The name of the new place is "Route 66 Roadhouse".

Until Later,
Okie Girl @ Home

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