Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Summer Winding Down

G'day to everybody,

Another busy week and weekend. Saturday night we went to Van Buren, Arkansas to a "Candy Night" they have annually for the kids. It was on the main street in town and they had pony rides, train rides, free candy, you name it, they had it.

The kids had a blast and well, we went home tired. I should have taken a picture so you would have known exactly what tired looked like. We got home about 11pm, then got up the next day and headed to Cleveland, Oklahoma to a church there that has an annual wiener roast and fun games for all the kids.

Tool man and I were in charge of the petting zoo. Whew! That was a workout! There were so many kids that the chickens were trying to escape. I know the llama and goats looked at me and their eyes were pleading for relief. I recognized the look cause my eyes were the same. On top of everything else I busted my derriere early that morning and I got really stiff and sore by end of day.

Got Visine?

"Please! Help!"

"Let me outta here!"

"Hey Mom! Turn just a little bit and I'll jump out!"

"I'm tellin you Ethel, I'm makin a run for it!"

I'm happy to announce that was the last show for the season. Can I hear a Yippee?

Until Later,
Okie Girl @ Home

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